Day 2 Climb and Descent
by Heather Montagliani, Kelowna
Well here you have it folks, two down and just a few more to go;)
After a breakfast hosted at the Legion there was no messing around as the morning began with a “little” ride up a “hill” very appropriately called the anarchist. After a rest stop and naturally, a photo opportunity, we were off to the races again!
One benefit of riding uphill is the very well deserved descent down. Well for the next few kilometres we descended into Rock Creek. As a a rookie to the ride this year (and newer to high speeds down hills), I watched in amazement as many of the veteran riders zipped down the hill like the wind, but faster! I have to say quite a site.
Personally, a very cool part of this day was seeing so many people waving, the honks of support and realizing that there are good people around, if you look for them. Case in point, as I am zipping through Rock Creek near the bottom of the last hill, a man jumped out to the shoulder of the road, waved and says, “hold on, I have a donation!” He seemed so excited and proud to support this amazing cause. Unfortunately, I could not stop but luckily our awesome escort driver, Kelly, was able to stop behind me to greet him.
Now at Midway RCMP detachment and about to be off again to our next designation, the sun began to beat down on us again with temperatures in the 30s. Post rest and refuel, we continued on with a stop at Deadwood Junction coffee shop in Greenwood. We were met by our friends from the Legion with another donation to the Cops for Kids organization. After some time to visit with some community members, off we went again!
At the end of our day we stopped at the Grand Forks detachment, checked into our hotel and off for dinner at Omega restaurant. Now about to check in for the night, something tells me that we will all sleep well after 129 KMS ridden today.

Night all, don’t forget to check back tomorrow!
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