Day 1 or 367?
So Day 1 felt more like Day 366 or 367 or something after being stymied last year with Covid & smokey skies, 2021 Cops for Kids is on the road again! And what a way to start…new insoles from Neil of Olympia Cycle, dinner at Tim& Arlene’s, great sleep at Sandman. The team & fabulous crew reunited again along with new riders Lisa & Ryan. After a rousing send off by C/Supt Haugli, 24 riders along with guests Al H and Ron & Sharon departed Kelowna, stopped in Peachland, were greeted in Summerland & received cheque from Orv and the Penny Lane Charity Society.

After awesome Relvas lunch in Penticton we were on to Oliver for more treats from ladies aux then Osoyoos elks special dinner before sweet dreams at Super 8. We said goodbye to Al, Ron & Sharon at the end of the day as they only rode one day, and it was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with them. What makes riding 130 km easy is hearing thanks from families helped to upgrade wheels on a stroller to take child camping and our own new rider Ryan’s tribulations when his triplets were born 7 years ago. What a day! Go team go

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