Day 6
By Liz Vant Erve
Day 6 began in Creston with change of clothing plan, typical Creston fall morning. It looked bleak but weather was great.

Lots of waves and smiles from kids from schoolbuses and side of road. At our first rest stop we were surprised with hot coffee which inspired us onward into the fog. Then the skies opened up and we made it to Yahk where the youngsters escorted us in to fabulous goodies & warm welcome. A very generous community!

After a minor support crew miscommunication, it resulted in the discovery of Moyie Provincial Park for the perfect lunch spot! After 90 km in strange gusty cross winds we thoroughly enjoyed an awesome lunch from SaveOn in Creston ! So lunch was 40 km late but funnily enough we endured and best lunch ever. 20 km to Tamarack Centre for an early arrival, to the surprise that mall raised nearly 15k during their summer Party in the Parking Lot! Too bad we missed it, but we’ll be back next year.

As one of our platinum sponsors is Boston Pizza this year, so we loved going for dinner in Cranbrook to end off our day.

Now we’re all tucked in at Elizabeth Lake Lodge, where we’ll sleep like babies before our rest day repositioning in the morning.
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