
“5-minute warning”……”rolling,” “grate!”, ….“slowing,” “on your left,” “truck back,” “glass”,…. “mechanical,” “stopping”
… after ten days on the road, we return home to our families, little ambassadors, and friends to sweet, talented voices singing of heroes.
Wentworth Music students under the direction of Noel Wentworth break out in song as we round the corner on Enterprise Road, Kelowna and roll into the Ramada parking lot, while, Phil Johnson of AM1150 stands by to do what he does best and has for many years, create a memorable homecoming for the 2016 Cops for Kids Riders! Myself, I am in tears, listening to the words of the young singers and so very proud and honoured to be a part of this ride team, our enthusiastic support group, and our event Coordinator, Courtney. I am also very thankful that although we did have a serious bike crash, our rider will be okay and yes, Grant did come out to meet us today! The vision of your crash has stuck with many and we hope that you will be able to return to your routine soon.
We wrap up another productive year and thinking back; the past ten days have gone by so quickly it seems like just yesterday we were enjoying breakfast at the Sandman and preparing to pull out. Each of us in cycling jerseys showcasing our sponsors and three gold maple leafs on our shoulders, each maple leaf signifying five years of service to the communities and children that we all represent.
For the past 15 years, Cops for Kids riders join to do this ten-day expedition to encourage support and contributions to Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation so that we may continue to support children in that live through our the southeast region of British Columbia that live with medical, traumatic and physical crisis. Our trek has taken us into 19 communities and given us opportunities to meet dignitaries, families and special children at each of these landings. Our stops are emotional, and our team members often are caught with tears in their eyes or questions as to why, how come and how can we continue to help? Moms and Dads stand to the side and share their heart-wrenching stories as they champion their babies, their children, our ambassadors!
There are some heart-wrenching situations, some miracles, and so many children that truly need our help to lighten the load as their families do the best that they can to keep their heads above water in their home life and support a very sick child in hospital care in a community some 5 to 15 hours away for months on end and or perhaps a child that requires a piece of medical equipment that costs way beyond what the parents can afford. There are so many of these families that sacrifice basics to try to manage these extenuating costs and needs.
Our riders, each and every one of them are heroes in their hometowns, and they represent their communities well. They keep their eyes and ears to the ground and do their best to bring situations forward or even contact a family in crisis and direct them to us. They do so because they not only live in that community, but as well, they are truly invested in the well-being of their community.
Thank you to our sponsors, our meal, accommodation, transportation, and community sponsors and each and every rider that dedicated their time to train and were supported by their families to join us. Your life partners and children are very special in sharing you on what is likely a very busy time with school going back in; we thank your partners for sharing you with us. Thank you to our support team who are so very crucial in this tour not only to feed, transport and manage us, you have no idea how important you are to our team!
Drumroll…in all, Luv N Hope Inspiring 2016 Cops for Kids have raised $250,000! These funds will be directed towards our ongoing quest to support children in crisis! Our ask is that you continue to support Cops for Kids in the future to allow us to continue to be a critical piece of the support network for children in crisis! You can do this with a one-time donation or on a monthly plan, visit copsforkids.org to take the next step in being a hero in your community! Why not adopt a monthly savings plan to not only support Cops for Kids but also provide for a tax break?
To donate: https://www.canadahelps.org/dn/5981
On behalf of Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation, it is my honour to be a part of this dedicated team and a foundation that dares to care and “rise by lifting others!”
With much gratitude,
Gail Harrison
President & Rider
Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation
Cops for Kids…devoted to helping little hearts in our community
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