If You Know You’re Going Home, the Journey is Never Too Far
by ride captain Julio Krenz
10 days ago, a team of 27 left Kelowna for the Cops for Kids Ride they’d been waiting 2 years for. A group that has become so close and shared some incredible milestones together as a team, was once again reunited in a ride that wasn’t quite the full ride we’re used to, but a much better alternative than the modified format of last year.
Over the past 10 days, they accomplished much more than 1,000km of cycling. They raised funds and awareness for children relying on our assistance and they spent time with like-minded colleagues who remind them of why they chose a law enforcement career. In the absence of large community landings and groups, the team spent quality time together like never before and embraced the adaptations that allowed them to all be together as a group.
Our short 50km ride from Vernon to Kelowna was a quick pedal for this speedy team today, and then as the skies opened up they were all whisked away by loved ones to head home for a warm bath before returning to their regular duties tomorrow. We are incredibly grateful to the families and partners of our ride team for the sacrifices made in order to have a rider on our team. We hope to have them all return again next year, for another ride to remember.

“I am driven by a deep passion and need to make a difference and leave this world a little better than when I arrived. That’s what keeps me going.”
Rick Hansen
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