Like the First Day of School
Day 1 by Stefanie Wainman, West Kelowna
So my first day of Cops for Kids felt a lot like the first day of school. New outfits, new gear to conquer the ride and a whole new group of new friends. I will admit that I was nervous before going to bed and hardly slept with the anticipation of the big ride ahead of me and the team. The veteran riders were amazing in greeting us new riders and were already cracking jokes to put us at ease.

The generous staff at Denny’s lead the team into the ride with full stomachs that calmed the butterflies and C/Supt Haugli inspired us to remember why we ride when the days get tough. The beautiful and sunny Peachland was the next stop and Rotary Club members were there to greet us with a warm welcome. Summerland was a quick stop and extremely grateful that Citizens on Patrol thought of the children on their last year in operation. Lunch in Penticton was graciously provided by Relvas and a few of those cookies may have snuck a ride in the jerseys of the riders to Oliver. Lastly, dinner in Osoyoos filled the empty stomachs of the riders that may have seen a little too much sun today.
As a first time rider, the families that took the time to great the riders at each stop were memorable and will never be forgotten. Each story was unique but still inspiring to hear that Cops for Kids came through for them when they were experiencing the worst scenario for their child. Some of the children have a long journey ahead of them and that will remind me that 10 days of riding is nothing in comparison to the years of challenges for each family.
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