Rainy Day 8
Day 8
By Cst. Sukhdeep Toor, Kamloops, BC
We woke up this morning to a lot of rain at 3 Valley Gap, and drove through the precipitation to start the day. As the skies cleared, we heard stories from a family travelling to BC Children’s Hospital that provided us with cookies and cards to push us on westward towards Kamloops.
A stop in Chase for lunch with the Rotary Club, and a visit with Chase before stopping at the SaveOn Foods in Valleyview who provided an amazing dinner for the team at Christine Banford’s house tonight.

Our final stop of the day was at the Community Policing Office on the north shore where we had many families from Kamloops and area come out to share their stories, along with the Fire Department and community policing set up. It was so great to come into my community and see these supportive familiar faces.

Despite a later start, we had a great day and it ended on a high note for so many reasons. Hard to believe that our last long day of pedalling tomorrow towards Vernon before our final stop in Kelowna on Sunday.
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