Smoke on the Water
By Claudia Wytrwal Kelowna
This had to be one of the warmest starts in Creston this team has seen in a decade. Normally, we are bundled up in our woollies outside the hotel getting ready to ride. Yet this year the riders were in shock as they were stripping off layers.

We were greeted by a fantastic breakfast at Gin’s On Canyon in Creston and with fuel filled bellies we started off our 112 kilometer journey to Cranbrook. Fortunately, it was a beautiful sunny day and a tailwind which made our journey that much quicker. A quick stop in Yahk gave us a break and an opportunity to meet our friends in Yahk.
Unfortunately, due to the smoke from Lamb Creek near Moyie Lake, the team was unable to stop for lunch and continued through for 50 kms. Everyone persevered and continued on knowing that we had a little Ambassador waiting to meet us in Cranbrook.

The team met Will in Cranbrook at Tamarack Mall. Will’s teacher had contacted Cops for Kids about Will needing a hearing aid that would assist him with everyday interactions at school, at home, and at extra curricular activities. Cops for Kids purchased the hearing aids and Will’s parents, Richard and Allison stated it has helped Will so much. This is why we ride, to help families like Will. Will was tickled pink to see his mom arrested for the Jail and Bail. Cranbrook did a Jail and Bail and what a successful day they had raising $24,000 for Cops for Kids. Way to go Cranbrook RCMP!!!

A few of our riders went to Gerick’s for some tune ups or fixes to their road bikes. The staff there are amazing and were so generous with their time and knowledge. A special shout out to Gerick’s for assisting us as we continue our ride through the Southeast District.
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