Tour of Beautiful British Columbia
By James Moore, Revelstoke
After a 100 plus km day with a top speed of 47 km/h to get to Cranbrook, the seats inside of our Blue Star bus were a welcome sight for today’s drive to Golden. We woke up at the Elizabeth Lake Lodge, one of the greatest hotels in the area. Owned and operated by a sweet couple George & Rachel, and their boys Paul & Lachlan. We did a photo together before saying our goodbyes, although many team members noted that they would be back to stay overnight when work brings them to the Cranbrook area.

The weather was post card beautiful and according to our all-star driver Chuck, the snoring was kept to a dull roar. Our reception in Golden was first class with a delicious pulled pork sandwich at “FirePit Smokehouse” followed by cake at the IGA where we met Asher, one of our Cops for Kids little ambassador’s.
The good weather held for the trip to Revelstoke where the staff of the Swiss Chalet Motel spoiled us again with cupcakes from “The Modern Bakery”. Several of our teams’ “thoroughbreds” did a sprint ride from the Swiss Chalet to 3 Valley Gap and beat the bus getting there.
At 3 Valley Gap, the team was treated to a tour of the historic ghost town, followed up with a home cooked bbq. After dinner, a few of the team decided to go to the round house and tour the “ghost car” in the dark. A member that will remain nameless let out a good shriek when one of us leap out of the dark and grabbed them.
After this welcome day of rest, we are off the Salmon Arm tomorrow for a 100 plus Km ride into Kamloops. We are all hoping for a good tail wind and some more of the beautiful weather we have had so far.
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